Second Sigh/ Working with Diverse Audience |
In May Fabrica presented a series of practice sharing events for artists and other professionals working with the arts in health, social care, education and gallery settings. Jointly devised by Liz Whitehead, a Co-director of Fabrica gallery, and artist Naomi Kendrick, the programme set out to explore various approaches to working with diverse audiences, using the contemporary visual arts. The programme drew directly on Naomi’s research into and practice of a multisensory approach to engaging with people about contemporary art. It also drew on the perspectives of other artists, researchers, social care and health professionals, to articulate the challenges and opportunities particular to these contexts – both for artists and participants. Aimed at giving participants a rounded learning experience, and encouraging best practice, Working with Diverse Audiences was comprised of workshops, professional presentations and peer critique sessions.
A Multi Sensory Approach |
A Multi-Sensory Approach This half-day workshop was designed as a practical introduction to Naomi’s multi-sensory method, showing why this method is useful for working with a diverse group and as a way of encouraging participants to think more directly and personally about the many ways an exhibition can be interpreted and explored.
A Multi Sensory Approach |
Professional Practice Presentation - Robin Blackledge
Robin Blackledge gave a facinating and moving talk about his multidisciplinary practice, focusing particularly on his three year residency as Audio-Visual artist-in-residence at Trinity Hospice (originally appointed by ‘RosettaLife’), London, where he created a body of legacy artworks in collaboration with the hospice user, and as a collaborative member of a clinical palliative care team. A synopsis and slideshow will be available soon.
Second Sight / Working with Diverse Audiences |
Second Sight
This was an opportunity for people to gain first hand experience of working with a diverse audience in a workshop context, by taking part. Second Sight workshops are regular events in Fabrica’s education programme – two events take place per exhibition. Lead by Naomi, the workshops explore the current exhibition through an audio described tour, and through sound, touch, smell, and group discussion. After the workshop participants had the chance to take part in a short discussion about their experience of the workshop.
Working With Diverse Audiences Peer Critique The Peer Critique provided a space for discussion about participants’ current practice and working environment, and was a way of participants generating ideas to be taken forward.
A Multi Sensory Approach |
' I attended A Multi-Sensory Approach and Robin Blackledge's talk. Both were very illuminating. I found the workshop very welcoming, open and relaxed. Learning new ways to engage diverse audiences with art was very helpful and gave me lots of personal ideas too. The workshop was fun and creative. I have assisted and co-ordinated workshops before and this was a much for flexible way of engaging with art. I would use some of the ideas to help make activities and exhibitions more open to people who respond to work in very different ways.
Robin Blackledge's talk was very interesting, especially finding out more about how artists can work in varied settings in a positive way for individuals and their experiences. Finding out about problems for artists in these residencies was also illuminating.'
For Information about future events please contact, or phone 01273 778646.
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